Sunday, 11 September 2011

inaugural post

Wow, this time last week I would never have thought I'd have a blog, but a chance conversation with an inspiring woman has led me to this moment. As a young girl, I wanted to be a writer or a librarian, but somehow ended up as a doctor. Not a bad career, which continues to bring in the bacon, offers a privileged view of people and life, and (I like to think) helps people with their daily struggles.
But lately, with my babies nearly grown, I feel a pull to create. And what better time than Spring, to explore new growth!


  1. Yes, Spring is a great time to start new things and, of course, for creativity! Very pleased to see you starting your blog, I find it an excellent way to get inspired. I'm even more pleased that you have discovered Ink Paper Pen so quickly and that you will join in with WoW this week. Go, you!

  2. Look forward to reading more from you.

    Hope you enjoy exploring your writing journey!

    You can meet more creative writing people on Ink Paper Pen on facebook too if you are "into social media".!/pages/Ink-Paper-Pens-Online-Writing-Group/140664256012821

    Read you later, Kristy


Please leave me comments so I can develop my writing!