Friday, 30 December 2011

One liner

And I had so many plans to write, write, write over the Christmas break, but too much "stuff"  got in the way!
But I'm back on track, starting slowly!

Write On Wednesdays Exercise 13 - A Great One Liner...This week you need to come up with one good line to describe a part of your day. It can be 'real life' or fiction. But it must tell us 'who did what'. It has to be an amazing line, like a tiny little paper plane that must travel a big distance (figuratively speaking) with only a few folds ... Every word in that line must earn its place, or be cut as excess baggage. Let's get thinking about each sentence as though every word counts, like working one group of muscles to show how much weight they can carry.

Caught mid-snarl by the bleep of her i-phone she turned from her tired mother, and reading the message, a glow of delight shone from her gold-blue eyes.


  1. I really liked that prompt. I also had plans to write more over the Christmas break, I think I forgot about Christmas itself!
    I like this one-liner, a tiny event in the scheme of things but sometimes the small things make all the difference.

  2. I love the sudden change. It's one of those moments you love in life (when you're angry to delighted in a seconds' time)

  3. This is great, Kate. And you tackled one of the most difficult WoW prompts! You did it justice. I'd love to read more. You set the scene well - I loved "caught mid snarl", great imagery in this sentence. Thanks for linking up in the holidays. I'm about to post the first prompt for 2012. Hope to see you playing along again this year!


Please leave me comments so I can develop my writing!