Sunday, 5 February 2012

Shiver - 5 Sentence Fiction

I've been a bit distracted by an online Creative Writing Course I've just started through the Sydney Writer's Centre. I've been loving "just writing" for 5 Sentence Fiction and Write on Wednesdays and thought it was time for me to learn a little about theory and technique. Thoroughly enjoying it so far!

So here goes for Shiver - as requested by my lovely commenters, I've continued my story from Hunger and Poison.

As she slowly drifted toward the surface of her consciousness, her throbbing mind tried to understand where she was. Pitch black had stolen her sight, she had to make sense of this without her eyes. Reaching a trembling hand sideways to feel the dampening walls, she slowly began to comprehend. She knew she was on an island, a tropical island, so why was it so dreadfully cold? Feeling braver, she stretched further and at the moment her seeking hand reached an immovable handle she realised to her horror that she was on the inside.

from motomorinsport

1 comment:

  1. YIKES! The suspense was beautiful, and it left me feeling terrified. Wonderful writing Kate!


Please leave me comments so I can develop my writing!